Ryan Olson Memorial Rainbow Trout Fishing Tournament
Location: South Fork of the Snake River, Idaho.
Dates: May 13th & 14th, 2022
Registration starting at 7 am, at Sleepy J Cabins in Swan Valley, May 13th.
Entry Fee: $100 per team, up to 3 members per team.
8 am Start on the 13th, teams must be at Sleepy J by 4 pm, May 14th to count their catch.
Fishing will take place from Palisades Dam to Byington Boat Ramp.
Shore fishing and Boat fishing are both allowed.
IDFG will be scan fish for tags, help fillet, and distribute fish to the needy in the area.
Payouts to the top 3 teams (most Rainbows Caught and kept).
Biggest fish will break any ties. Length first and then weight.
A TB Custom’s Spinning or Casting Rod (winner’s choice) will be awarded to the biggest
(length) fish for anglers 17 and under, & one for anglers 18 and over.
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